Posts tagged Future Of Work
Frode Wendelboe of Fremja on the Art of Care

Fremja is a new social therapeutic initiative in Norway for youths and grown-ups that for different reasons need adapted work or living situations. Frode Wendelboe is one of the founders and call himself an artist of care. We had a talk about the need to merge ecological and social work and why the solutions are interdependent.

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Learning from nature with Biomimicry

How do birds coordinate in flocks? How does a pine cone open and close depending on the weather? How do animals keep themselves warm? And how does all this relate to how we design our worlds?

We recently had Nina Havermans and Michel Wolfstirn over for an inspiring lunch presentation at Elementa. They run Biomimicry Norway together- an Oslo based non-profit seeking to explore and promote the practice of nature-inspired innovation. 

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