The Dancers of the Molecular Ballet

The Molecular Ballet project aims to embody and make into dance the present concerns, posibilties and continued agency of the human creative endeavour.

A collaboration with art group ^O^, the Dancers of the Molecular Ballet have roles beyond the confines of the dancehall - and are central to the unfoldment of Elementa’s various Directions of Work.

Axis 1 - Axis Eins - The Head of the Molecular Ballet

Axis 1 - Axis Eins - The Head of the Molecular Ballet

Axis 7 - The Information Psychologist

Axis 7 - The Information Psychologist

Axis 13 - The Axioman

Axis 13 - The Axioman

Axis 49 - The Coryphee

Axis 49 - The Coryphee

Axis 130 - The Unreserved Dedication

Axis 130 - The Unreserved Dedication

Axis 69 - The Lövaman by Roberto Peyre

Axis 69 - The Lövaman by Roberto Peyre