The INN Book of Patterns

Isodreams by Space Popular


Designed by the London-based architecture practice Space Popular, Isodreams is a pattern concept that interfaces the virtual with the physical in a very concrete way.

The isometric labyrinth of Isodreams is based on a hexagon tile that can be rotated 120º to make for infinitely varied cityscapes to let imagination loose in.

An augmented reality layer allows the dwellers of the city of Isodreams to come out from their hiding placers to play in 3 dimensional space.


“Isometric projection provides at once the illusion of depth and the lack thereof. While we can perceive three-dimensionality in an isometric drawing, we cannot appreciate how far or how close an object is, as things do not appear larger or smaller as they extend closer to, or away from us.


In isometric worlds, a character can walk endlessly by repeating a motion module of two steps, left and right. Following this logic – that of isometric video games such as ‘Command and Conquer’ or ‘Sim City’ – one can create a library of motion from which endless narratives can be composed.

Isometric projections also make sense in any direction, a 120º rotation can turn the wall into the floor or the floor into the ceiling. Isodreams takes advantage of these properties to provide a stage for the life of augmented characters to play out. In its rooms, platforms, staircases, and passages, digital inhabitants exist, travel, argue, love.”


Isodreams is designed by Lara Lesmes and Fredrik Hellberg of Space Popular, both graduates from the Architectural Association in London (2011).

They founded the practice in Bangkok (2013) and have been based in London since 2016. Space Popular creates spaces, objects, and events in both physical and virtual space, concentrating on how the two realms will blend together in the near future.